15th Annual Florida Keys Birding and Wildlife Festival


The 15th Annual Florida Keys Birding and Wildlife Festival is scheduled for September 2013 and will be anchored at award winning Curry Hammock State Park, MM 56.2, Marathon, FL.  Curry Hammock State Park is the location of the Florida Keys Hawk Watch a subsidiary of the HawkWatch Migration Association of North America.  Furthermore, Curry Hammock State Park won the honor of becoming the Peregrine Falcon Migration Capital of the World, taking the honor away from Costa Rica with a record breaking count of 3242 on October 16th.  As in previous years, we will hold our featured field trips to the Dry Tortugas National Park, National Key Deer Refuge, Dagny Johnson Key Largo Hammock State Park and numerous other national, state and private natural areas.

This event also hosts numerous talks and walks covering the unique flora and fauna present in this subtropical island chain. A special day is designated to showcase our Environmental organizations that help to preserve our natural resources.

The event this year will begin with an Opening Ceremony and will initiate   the start of the activities that make up this annual festival.  Don’t miss the keynote speaker held on  Friday night and has always hosted well known individuals in the study of our wildlife and the habitats in which they live.  Check out the Keynote speaker page for a view of previous keynote speakers.

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