Date(s) -Sun, 09/29/2013
7:30 am - 5:00 pm
Join us for an all-day birding excursion to the magnificent Dry Tortugas National Park and Fort Jefferson. Participants need to make their own ferry reservations on the Yankee Freedom, 30-5294-7009. Fees depend on residency and whether you have a Federal Lands pass.
Join avid Florida Keys birder and ecotour guide Mark Hedden for a traditional birding experience, or wildlife photographers Dick Fortune and Sara Lopez to learn some of the secrets of professional wildlife photography.
This event has filled the last two years, so register early.
Cost: $25, which does not include separate ferry fee; must book separately with Yankee Freedom. Location of the Ferry terminal and parking, and the fare structure are best described on the
Limit: 20 participants in each group.