OPENING EVENT: Wading Birds of Florida Bay — A Pictorial Depiction of Indicator Species & Wading Bird Research in Florida Bay

Date(s) -Wed, 09/25/2013
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Murray Nelson Government Center (MM 102)


Speakers: Rafael Galvez and Pete Frezza

The mangrove coasts, islands and mudflats of Florida Bay are important breeding, wintering and stopover habitat for many species of waders and shorebirds.

Rafael Galvez will present a series of paintings and drawings done in the field, depicting several bird species found in Florida Bay, depicting their taxonomical characteristics, behaviors and habitats. A presentation of the original paintings, which will be on display, will be given with a focus on the regional importance of each species. prints and reproductions will be available for sale.

Pete Frezza will give a separate presentation on wading bird research conducted by the Audubon Science Center at Tavernier.

Cash bar and free munchies.

Cost: $10